This visually rich, full production video reveals conclusive evidence that the universe and all life were created by a supernatural being, and that the God of the Bible is that...
America's National Parks: A Creation Tour With Noah Justice
Explore the wonders of God’s creation through national parks and monuments! Twelve 30-minute episodes on 6 DVD’s Learn how earth science actually supports the biblical record Faith-affirming series for families...
Daniel 10 Propelling World Events This 2 DVD set demonstrates the Biblical truth that the daily battling between Godly Angels and ungodly demons in the Heavenlies determines the flow of...
This DVD contains the second installment of a study of the Kingdom of God that traverses the entirety of Scripture. As the study continues from Volume 1, we looked into...
This title is #3 in the series 'Are WE Building The Kingdom of God' and focuses on the wide array of the type of false teaching prophesied in Scripture. If...
Blood Sacrifice: Thy Kingdom Come - Vol. 2 This video continues our study of the Biblical Antichrist by studying the life, the values, the attitudes and the Black Magick Satanism...
Bringing Saudi Arabia Down: Without Destroying World Economy
Saudi Arabia's brutal dictatorship must be overthrown according to the Pentagon's New Map Strategy. This war strategy -- followed since the 2001 Afghanistan invasion -- is overthrowing every single dictatorship...
"My road to atheism was paved by science... but, ironically, so was my later journey to God." – Lee StrobelA compelling adaptation of Lee Strobel's personal journey from atheism to...
The world around us is in turmoil. It seems as if humanity is out of control, in an endless downward spiral. What is the world coming to? Is there any...
Learn about God's created creepers in the reptile and amphibian world through this new DVD series, Creeping Things. Herpetologist, Nathan Hutcherson, with his son and daughter, take you on an...
Learn about God's created creepers in the reptile and amphibian world through this new DVD series, Creeping Things. Herpetologist, Nathan Hutcherson, with his son and daughter, take you on an...
Most public schools teach evolution theory as fact, taking a serious toll on the faith of many unprepared Christians. Yet the straight-forward account in Genesis provides the true history of...
This enlightening documentary presents the evidence from DNA researchers, including Mormon scientists who now wrestle with the DNA dilemma that faces Mormonism. Produced by Living Hope Ministries Run time: 49...
Are dinosaurs dragons? Did birds evolve from dinosaurs? How should Christians view these incredible creatures? This illustrated lecture, featuring creation-apologist Bodie Hodge, will excite you to look at these amazing...